Sustainable Energy


TAHK Sustainable Energy Investment Initiative 

“The lack of pipeline capacity in Canada poses the biggest threat to Alberta and Canada’s energy sovereignty. Without new pipelines the future economic growth and development of Canada’s energy sector is in grave peril. The application of innovative technologies will allow us to turn the corner in garnering support from all stakeholders to meet the pipeline challenge and reap the benefits for all.” – Terry Comeau, XC5 Undiluted Bitumen Pipeline Project 


Starting in June 2018 TAHK Projects earmarked investment dollars for the purpose of discovering technology options related to our business that could reduce the global carbon footprint. The technology had to support a transition towards a sustainable and improved economic energy future. That initiative led to the formation of a small team of highly skilled individuals with many years experience in the upstream and facilities construction segments of petroleum energy business.

The team’s mandate was to discover sustainable energy technology applications related to TAHK’s business that had potential for significantly advancing economic and social development in Alberta and the rest of Canada. It was imperative that the project find new ways of doing business that would address the expectations of all stakeholders in our society wanting to support projects that reduce carbon emissions and protect our environment.

That focus led to the XC5 Project (*the name “XC5” refers to the elimination of C5 or any other chemical to dilute bitumen)  which resulted in the development of a novel technical process solution to transport high volumes of “Undiluted Bitumen via Pipeline”.

The XC5 process provides an opportunity to set a new gold standard in the transport of high volume undiluted bitumen. The XC5 process can address many issues that are impeding support for the application of conventional methods to transport Bitumen via pipeline.

The timing of this technology option could not be better in light of the multiple pipeline cancellations and potential for ongoing cancellations due to the expiring useful operating life of many additional pipelines requiring replacement.

The XC5 Process benefits vs the conventional method of diluting bitumen for pipeline transportation are as follows;

These XC5 alternatives foster national unity/support as a result of advancements in ethically/economically inspired pipeline technology adaptations.

Distribution of Undiluted Bitumen versus dilbit supports the transition to meeting global CO2 emission reduction targets.

Looking forward, rapidly advancing discoveries in chemical engineering are presenting alternative market opportunities for utilization of Bitumen beyond a fuel source (ie. Carbon fibre, lignin/bitumen asphalt substitute, etc.). The XC5 process is complementary in providing additional economic support for these advancing markets.